UX Camp London 2011

UX Camp London 2011 at City University yesterday was a ball. It was my first time at a barcamp, and it was a very enjoyable experience. Many thanks to Boon, Fabien and everyone else who put the effort into organising it.

I was pleasantly surprised by how many people there were interested in the problems of UXB, and that there were enough cognate sessions (Life In The Enterprise, UX In The Enterprise) to make a mini-track.

It was also pleasing to be not the only person using Business Model Canvas as a framework for thinking about UX – Adrian Howard referenced it along with Steve Blank‘s work in his Customer Development Game session.

When I get a chance, I’ll pull together the UXB mini-track discussions into a post here.

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The BA/UX Continuum

Over on ModernAnalyst.com there’s an article by Bloodworth, Dudek and Hollowgrass about Business Analysis & User Experience

The BA/UX Continuum The BA/UX Expanse
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